Despite all the media hype surrounding big data and analytics, many businesses are still struggling to derive any game-changing insights from their data.

One of the key challenges these organizations face is the growing size of their data sets. When these reach millions or tens of millions of records, conventional data management tools are no longer a viable option. Normalizing and extracting the relevant data quickly and efficiently requires more sophisticated methods and tools.

NetFore recently completed a data analytics project with Milestone Digital Media Consultants (MDMC), a communications and new media consulting firm that works extensively with clients in the not-for-profit sector. MDMC provides a service to its not-for-profit clients that gives them important insights into the reach and impact of their televised public service announcements (PSA).

MDMC was analyzing large television programming logs manually and then using standard reporting tools to provide insights to their customers. This approach required a lot of time and manual effort. NetFore designed and implemented a solution that helped them automate and streamline the process of cleaning and normalizing these programming logs and then visualize the data for quick insights.

The solution had two key components: the Elastic Stack, which includes Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana, and is used to store and visualize the data; and new custom applications that NetFore developed to help MDMC clean, normalize and export their data quickly and efficiently.

Read the full case study to get all the details!

Scott Brookes

Scott Brookes

Scott is NetFore’s Vice President of Software Engineering. For more information about NetFore and our software development services, visit